Aunt Lety ( Violeta Moskova ) from Gorna Oryahovitza
The year is 1998. NATO closes the middle sergeant schools and I am left unemployed. And in that time finding a job as a teacher became impossible. My older daughter was third year in college and I decided that is time for me to take the road to Greece. The last thing I remember before I left Bulgaria is the six years old son of one of my friends who is waving at me at the station and the obscurity.. it was frightening. Not knowing the language also. That is how I started to take care of one old bedridden woman. The tension was incredible. I arrived on 22.04.2000 in a little coquettishly village in the southern part of Greece – Γύθειο on the Pelopones peninsula near the city of Sparti on the most southern part of the middle “sleeve”(има друга дума за географски “ръкав”?) Gitio. As I said I didn’t know the language, but I learned it for three months and now I can fluently write and speak Greek. There were no other Bulgarian people but the people in the village were very good. I’ve arrived alone in Greece, and my family left behind in Bulgaria. Nowadays I don’t work, I am retiree. But back then I took care of the old woman for nearly year and a half. Then I started working for one lawyer’s family with three little children. We have spent wonderful time together and I became part of them and they
have accepted me. They even took me to Paris with them. I lived in their house. My family in Bulgaria also is living a house of their own. Although if we are talking about feelings.. they are so different. In the beginning it’s weird because you collide with other manners culture and traditions, but I have always had good time. Maybe I am just that kind of person. I have made a lot of friends around Greece. Of course it was hard in the beginning but when you are fighting for your family’s survival there are no obstacles and you feel satisfied. But my daughters were nineteen and twenty five years old and it was easier. In Greece I have found a second family. They were very young. The oldest was three years old and the other two were one year old and a newborn. When I left them they were 17,15,13 years old. Now we keep talking with each other over the internet.